About me

I hope to help fellow human beings to find the way back to themself and get a better understanding and importance of nature, nutrition, thoughts and movement. 

Nicole Renne

All in life has an impact on who you are today. In my case it took me 30 years of travels, soul searching and studies to " come home" to my body and soul.  

"Walkabout" is what the Aboriginals call it when a young family member leaves the family to roam the wild country and go through rituals from youth to grown up. It is a journey where they say will teach you about life and regain contact with forefathers and spiritual guides. 

I´m a happy and positive 50 year-ish woman who left Sweden when I was around 18 years old. After that I have been around the world, treating The Netherlands as my home base. 

In my young years I experienced quite a bit of unexplainable feelings in my body. This lead to destroyed relationships. A feeling of numbness and emotionless one second, to being overwhelmed by uncontrollable feelings the next.  

My studies to become a (Trauma) Yoga Teacher and a Gut nutrition specialist that is based on the gut-brain axis I started to understand that my young years had given me a Trauma. With my new knowledge I could understand where everything I experienced in my body and my mind came from. I could start my journey to heal and live with Trauma. Nature has always been my home and I use a lot of herbs and plants from nature as well as the silence of nature as my medicine. . 

2022 was the year I moved back to Sweden as a different women after my personal 30 year " Walkabout". 

I hope to share and help people get back to themselves, and to understand the importance of nature, nutrition, thoughts and movement. 

Besides this my passion is guiding nature experiences with a bit of wild forage and a bit of survival skills involved. Workshops like Vision boards, making kombucha, lectures and more pops up once in a while!

You can find my  kombucha at the Yoga Studio, REKO-Ring Torsås and different markets and events. 

You can find more information about this under the tab Events & News

Companies I work together with

Studies that have made me who I am today: 

  • 200hr YIN/YANG RYT Alliance (registered Yoga Lärare) 
  • 300hr RYT Trauma Yoga Sensitive Teacher (TCTSY) Aliiance (registrerad Yoga Lärare) 
  • 20 hr RYT Prison Yoga Project - PYP 
  • Ortomolekylär  specialist Mage-Tarm-Lever
  • Ortomolekylär Näring för hjärnan
  • Ortomolekylär Fibromylagi
  • Ört medicin/Herborist
  • Medisinsk bas kunnskap
  • 5 elementen teori/ Meridianer kurs
  • Näringsexpert
  • Diverse "Gut health" workshops
  • Diverse Trauma och kropp workshops

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